B737NG and A320

Optimized Training Options

SimJet Center offers unique features combined with traditional training techniques.

Type Ratings, Recurrent and more...

Traditional flight training utilizes a combination of ground training techniques using tools such as a ‘paper tiger’(known as CPT, or Cockpit Procedure Trainer), or perhaps a non-dimensional touch screen trainer (known as a VPT, Virtual Procedure Trainer) and then continuing on to use highly expensive full motion simulator time. The CPTs and the VPTs are great tools to train basic eye-to-hand coordination and cockpit procedures; however, their limited functionality and lack of dimension prohibit the development of spontaneous multi-level skills which are critical to master the full motion, level D simulator sessions with time and cost saving efficiency.

By shifting initial training modules towards the use of our own AATD (Advanced Aviation Training Device) or FTD we can replicate 90% of the training procedures traditionally done in a Level D simulator at a fraction of the cost. The objective is obvious: Enhance training preparation by use of highly efficient training devices and experience a better training result and a more proficient pilot. The key question is- how to get students not only to pass the check ride but also feel confident to go to an interview or actually go flying.

The motto is: Effective study at your convenience. Log in to the online study system, wherever you are. Comprehensive and rapid internet-based training allows candidates to prepare at their own pace, but its designed integration permits the entire course work to be completed much more rapidly than training in a classroom. If you are contemplating an Airline career or are just a private pilot wanting to start on large aircraft training at your own pace, this training will enable you to complete most of the FAA required ground school for your type rating endorsement. We have priced this training so it will be affordable to you and other pilot candidates like yourself.

Getting a new pilot type rating?  We know the stress of learning a new airplane type. During your training, it’s inevitable that you feel that you have way too little time to get your eye-hand coordination and visual processing up to speed. We can help.

The sophisticated precision of the Level D full motion simulator is the last step before you achieve your goal. Although the cost factor is immense, with our help, your utilization time will be significantly reduced and the results positive and relaxed.

The AATD usage, a sim-guide as well as the online systems training are a courtesy of our sister company Jet Simulations LLC, manufacturer of the AATD devices.
